upfront apologies for those of you who are patiently waiting for prego pictures. i would have posted something sooner but i had forgotten my password for this dang blog, so i havent been able to log-in. which also meant i could comment to anyone about their blogs either. so lets see, the last time i posted was at thanksgiving. so from then to now:
-we had a miscarriage at 10 weeks along- i started spotting some brown stuff so we called the dr. but it was a saturday so they said either wait til monday or go to the urgent care. we went to urget care and sat in the waiting room for like 4 hours until they FINALLY called us back. the dr did an internal ultrasound and said he couldnt find a heartbeat. he said it might have just been really weak, but to go see my normal OB dr first thing monday. so let me tell ya! that was a LONG weekend of waiting. by sunday the spotting had changed into pretty heavy bleeding and clotting, so i pretty much knew what was going on. by monday the fetus had already passed, but they still wanted to go in and do a D&C to clean everything out. i recovered wonderfully and have been doing good since then.
-christmas was great-ill have to post another update just on all that stuff
-got a season pass to san diego zoo & the san diego wild animal park. we've been to the zoo twice so far and landen really loves the animals. havent gone to the wild animal park yet cause that just seems like too much walking and i figure since the enclosures are so big, landen might not get a good look at the animals there.
-valentines day was also nice-ill post another entry just on that
-finally got to buy ourselves something big and expensive and totally unnecessary. joe's been wanting a huge tv forever, but we've always had other things we needed to pay off first (my old car, and my student loans) so we've finally got that all done. joe's been comparing stores and brands and styles of big tv's for a while now and decided on the one he wanted. it happened to be on sale this month at costco for $300 off, so i told him to just get it. he wanted to wait a while and see if the prices drop more, but i told him we better just get it now while we have the money or something will come up and he'll never get it. so we now have a 52" Sony Bravia LCD High Def. television. its gigatic and beautiful!!! anyone who wants to come check it out is invited :)
-landen had his first big accident- ill post a separate entry about this one too, but sorry no pics
-preparing for landen's upcoming birthday- can you believe he's already gunna be 2 yrs old!!
-we got a HUGE fishtank!! its 100 gallons and looks soo cool, ill post pics soon!
k well thats it for the general update stuff, so now i gotta do separate ones for the big stuff to include pictures
Our Aloha Adventure!
9 years ago
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