after several months of my cat Mace being missing in action i decided to tell joe that i wanted a new kitty. honestly i expected him to say absolutely no that we dont need another pet. we already have two dogs. he said he was suprised that i had waited this long to ask for one in the first place. i decided to check the prices of the local spca as well as the animal shelter. the spca was kinda pricey at $55 for a kitty but i was suprised to find out that the shelter was promoting "cat adoption month" and the price was only $15! the kitty comes with its first set of shots, spayed or neutered, a voucher for a free vet exam, a bag of kitten food and its first dose of flea treatment. i guess joe figured $15 was worth the gamble of getting a new kitty so that same day we went down to the shelter and let landen pick himself out a kitten. our only rules was it had to be male, and still a kitten rather than an adult cat. he picked one out that was scheduled to be neutered the next day, so we had to wait a couple days to pick him up. over the few days of waiting landen decided to name the kitty Max and couldn't stop talking about him. every time we would walk to the front door or mention we were going somewhere he would ask if we were going to get his favorite friend kitty max yet. we have had max for nearly a week now and landen is soo in love with him! he carries him around the house all day long and runs to play with him as soon as we get home from anywhere! here's a few pics of the new best friends together
landen just loves to sit on the couch with max on his lap watching movies
the kitty cannot do anything without landens supervision including getting a drink of water
he is so proud of his favorite friend kitty max
and the kitty is soo tolerant to just let landen drag him around and take him everywhere
Our Aloha Adventure!
8 years ago
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